So...I had an amazing professor in art school who said YOU NEED MORE TEMPERATURE SHIFTS, ALL OF YOU, IN YOUR PAINTINGS!!!!!!
Blah blah blah...What she meant was any good painting respects chroma, and how some colors are warmer than others, and to make something appear 3dimensional we had to respect that and mimick that (as best we could) in our paintings.
So, naturally, I completely ignored her and kept painting like I WANTED to. Heh.
However, her words haunt, and I actually heeded her advice in this painting. Most of this painting was painted with warm colors: Buff Titanium, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red....You get 'the picture (snicker). was boring. SO SO BORING. So....I added some cool colors to the highlights, because, lo and behold!, there are cool colors in hightlights oftentimes. So...I mixed up some Hansa Yellow, Pthalo Green, and Alizarin Crimson (to desaturate). BOOM. So much more convincing.
Daily Painting #12
Brussels Sprouts, acrylic on canvas panel, 9x12
$160 + $10 S&H