Thursday, June 25, 2015

Off with Their Heads!

About a week ago I woke, in the middle of the night, with the idea for this next painting. I had a very crisp vision of a vase of stems, with their heads chopped off and upside down surrounding the vase.


Cut Flowers (Off with Their Heads!)
Acrylic on Canvas, 30x24

Thursday, June 18, 2015

You Can't Sit With Us

So, I officially quit the Daily Painting Project.

However, I have continued to paint daily. I'm just spending my time on larger, more meaningful pieces.


You Can't Sit Here//
To the Weed Patch, the Rose is Just a Weed

This piece came from a memory of sitting with a group of mean, petty girls in high school during lunch. They  hated me simply because I would call them out on their mean comments about other people in the school. Needless to say, I started spending my lunches in the Library and with my Art teacher in the Art Room for more time working on art projects. I count that a pretty fair trade ;)

Oh, where are those girls now? No idea, but I hope better off than they probably are...

Monday, June 15, 2015


Hello! This is not a daily painting, but I'm definitely glad to have it finished since I've ended the completing-a-painting-a-day project.


Iris Thirsting, acrylic on canvas, 18x24

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kale Again'm pretty into Kale right now.

Daily Painting #14

Garden Kale, acrylic on canvas panel, 9x12

$160 + $10 S&H


Wifi was out, so posting late.

Daily Painting #13

Kale from the Garden, acrylic on canvas panel, 9x12

$160 + $10 S&H

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Brussels Sprouts

So...I had an amazing professor in art school who said YOU NEED MORE TEMPERATURE SHIFTS, ALL OF YOU, IN YOUR PAINTINGS!!!!!!

Blah blah blah...What she meant was any good painting respects chroma, and how some colors are warmer than others, and to make something appear 3dimensional we had to respect that and mimick that (as best we could) in our paintings.

So, naturally, I completely ignored her and kept painting like I WANTED to. Heh.

However, her words haunt, and I actually heeded her advice in this painting. Most of this painting was painted with warm colors: Buff Titanium, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red....You get 'the picture (snicker). was boring. SO SO BORING. So....I added some cool colors to the highlights, because, lo and behold!, there are cool colors in hightlights oftentimes. So...I mixed up some Hansa Yellow, Pthalo Green, and Alizarin Crimson (to desaturate). BOOM. So much more convincing.


Daily Painting #12

Brussels Sprouts, acrylic on canvas panel, 9x12

$160 + $10 S&H

Monday, June 8, 2015


Found a cherry tree a couple blocks from my house. The owners probably didn't mind that I gorged myself on its fruit....

Also, I painted it on found wood. So...found cherries + found wood =

Daily Painting #11

3 Cherries...Jackpot? Acrylic on found wood, approx 7.5x7.25
$140 + $10 S & H

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pea Pods

Here's an early, tiny one! I'm headed to a day at the beach, so my time was limited. My awesome coworker, Marty, gave me some snap peas from his garden, so I decided to paint them.

Daily Painting #10

Peas, acrylic on masonite board, 4x4
$50 + $10 S&H

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Glass and Dead Iris Bud

So, I've recently become obsessed with painting vases of water with dying plants atop them. Here is a sketch for the series. It's been good research.

Daily Painting #9

Glass and Dead Iris Bud, acrylic on canvas panel, 9x12
$160 + $10 S&H

Friday, June 5, 2015

My Cat, Rosie

Soo...I've always wanted a cute painting of my cock-eyed kitty, Rosie. So...I went for it!

Here she is, in all her winking, cock-eyed glory.

Daily Painting #8

Rosie, acrylic on canvas, 9x12

Thursday, June 4, 2015

(Cream)Puff Daddy

Ah, so cute! This one is literally the size of the foil square it was sitting on when they served it to me.
I will admit, working this small is annoying. However, it is EXACTLY the same size as the actual puff, so that's kinda adorable. And makes my roommates do a double take when they walk past it ;)


(Studio Light)
Cream Puff, acrylic on masonite, 4x4
$50 + $10 S&H

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Home Grown Strawberries!

I live in a large house filled with people, and a couple moved out last year right after planting a GORGEOUS garden. And guess who lucked out with some home grown strawberries? Lucky me!

These were fun to paint...the reflections and shadows on the ceramic plate were quite the challenge.

Daily Painting #6

Home Grown Strawberries, 9x12, acrylic on panel
$160 + $10 S&H

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Morning After (Doughnuts)

So...I painted the stacked doughnuts, and left them out over night (because I am super responsible), and look at the carnage! Drippy, sloppy, saggy, flattened...sweetness. I had a lot of fun with the chocolate, and even more fun with the powdered sugar. I was setting it up on my mantle, and had an irrational fear that I'd smear the powder (it's been dry for a while, so I guess I was just psyched out by the look of it?).

Anyway! Please enjoy,

Daily Painting #5

Gooey Stacked Doughnuts, acrylic on panel, 9x12
$160 + $10 S&H

Monday, June 1, 2015

Stack of Filled Doughnuts

Oh my! This one was fun. I stacked the doughnuts, started painting, and like a blossoming flower, the doughnuts tilted and shifted and completely changed shapes. It was pretty cool. I think I'll paint the flattened, drippy bottom 2 doughnuts tomorrow. The chocolate frosting started to run and pool under the lemon powdered sugar. So gooey!

Daily Painting # 4

Stacked Filled Doughnuts, acrylic on cavnas, 9x12
$160 + $10 S&H