Monday, July 27, 2015

My Doughnut Art is in Fight Club 2!

Hello! It was recently brought to my attention that a centerpiece doughnut I decorated for artist Cameron Stewart made it into the second issue of Fight Club 2 (The graphic novel)!

I made friends with Cameron about a year ago, so when he visited Portland this Spring I was sure to make him a celebratory doughnut for the release of his latest project, illustrating Fight Club 2 with author Chuck Palahniuk. 

Chuck is one of my all time favorite authors. I suffered from insomnia one summer and binge read his books to the point that his was the voice in my head. It was pretty intense. October 2013 I was Marla Singer for Halloween. It was fun.

So, naturally, when you can celebrate the creation of an awesome work with a delicious doughnut, why wouldn't you?

Cameron visited in April of this year, and on my 30 minute lunch at Voodoo Doughnut I referenced this photo below for the centerpiece I made him. I was so proud, it only took 28 minutes! Haha.

(This was the first concept piece to the project Cameron ever showed me. It's so great!)

Cameron sporting the doughnut I made him

The doughnut in the second issue of Fight Club 2!

Anyway, Chuck Pahlaniuk is great, Cameron Stewart is great, go send them some love and buy their books! And be sure to keep up with Fight Club 2!

Much love, 


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Current Art Crushes

Ah! I'm feeling so inspired right now. I'm working on a new painting, featuring a bouquet of flowers, bees, and hands. And I've been really obsessing over artists Will Cotton and Evelyn Bracklow.

Check out Evelyn Bracklow's Ceramic Pieces Series:





(Images stolen from 123 Inspiration)

And Will Cotton is my birth dad, it's official:

(saw this a few weeks ago in the Atrium of the Seattle Art's soooo much better in person. It's painted really soft and glowy)

Will Cotton, The Deferred Promise of Complete Satisfaction, 2013, oil on linen, 37 x 28 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Mary Boone Gallery

Will Cotton, Trash Pile, 2012, oil on linen, 60 x 40 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Mary Boone Gallery

(All images stolen from the artist's site: Will Cotton's Official Site)

For instance, here are a couple of my prozaic dessert paintings:

Anyway, that's all I Have for now.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Duel

**Edit! "The Duel" is available as a print on Etsy!**

Hello, there! I hung up 11 paintings at the PDX Magazine Art Space "Mechanical" yesterday! It was quite fun. The kind and helpful Ross Blanchard, with his 2 dashing young sons, helped drill holes into concrete and hang the pieces. I am quite excited for how the art looks in the space. The walls are a beautiful light grey, and compliment my flower paintings very nicely.

I finished this piece yesterday:

"The Duel"
20x16, Acrylic on Canvas

It was quite exciting to casually finish a painting, then see it hung in an art space hours later!

The bees theme is something I am quite passionate about. I truly appreciate whatever made me think to add bees to the flower paintings.

I hope this finds you and yours well!

Much love,
Jessica Brackett

Thursday, July 9, 2015


The latest! "Swarm" Acrylic on canvas, 24x30
THIS ONE WAS SO MUCH FUN....Anytime I got frustrated at work or out in the world I just kept reminding myself that I am painting bumblebees...BUMBLEBEES...and everything was fine again.