Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Daily Painting that inspired them all!

Hello, friends! Thank you for your interest in my 30 Day Daily Painting project! I will be formally beginning the project Friday, May 29th. I will be selling each 9x12 piece for $160. Please stay tuned as the date draws nearer!

But for now, some backstory:

A friend gave me a lilac, and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to paint it that night. The finished painting is 20x16, and took around 3 hours to fully complete. I'm really happy with it, and it inspired me to continue with flower paintings. The rest took over a day to complete, but here is a run down of my favorites:
Wilty Dogwood, 24x18

 Fluffy Flower (Plant ID is not my strong-suit), 20x16

Lily of the Valley, 20x30

Dogwood Blossoms, 18x24

Tree Leaves (?), 24x24

I've been into painting/drawing/sketching/inventing plants for some time now. I've shown plant drawings/paintings at various galleries around Portland. But these are the most developed, true-to-plant paintings to-date. Here are some samples of plants I've drawn/invented over the past 18 months:

As you can see, the paintings are much more developed. I look forward to continuing to paint from life, plants as well as general still life. Here is a doughnut I painted for Voodoo Doughnut, Taiwan. It's a Voodoo Doll doughnut they are famous for:

This piece is 9x12 on panel, and only took a few hours to complete. It definitely cracks me up anytime I look at it. So goofy!

Anyway! Until then,
Take care!


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